In the holy month of Ramadan, you might interact with thousands of people; all the individuals will be of different personalities and different traits. And you must agree on this that Ramadan schedules change the very known and dear ones in such a way that you reckon for a second ‘Do we really know each other? Or you were just pretending to be nice all the 11 months of year’’.
Presenting you 5 Types of Rozedar You Will Meet this Ramadan 2017, to make you believe that even the normal and peace-loving dudes can turn into annoying and quirky creatures during the Ramadan keeping fast of long 16 hours.
Sleepy Rozedar
A sleepy rozedar is calm and harmless creature, who sleeps all day keeping fast and wake up 5 minutes prior to sehri and aftari time. Sleepy rozedar might be non irritating and adorable member in the family and some people may find sleepy rozedar the most lazy and hateful creature during ramzan month..

Angry Rozedar
You might have seen some people in Ramadan, who become killing frustrated and grumpy till the Magrib prayer. The fact is, the long hour fast and thirst of summer month ripen a normal person into extra grouchy creature..
Emotional Rozedar
The holy vibes of Ramadan month might make some people extra emotional and holy. These fellows consider it a responsibility to judge you over wearing pant rather than shalwar and emotional rozedars being extra holier might lecture you and preach in such a way that you would be thinking “Does he know that he is not a scholar and why his pitch has become so loud these days?”
The smokers and sutey baaz people do keep fast too but for them the hard part is keeping them away from cigarettes and sheesha for all day along… and the first thing they is making a long kash (smoking) after breaking their fast during Maghrib time.. Smokers do not feel low or thirsty at all, but their struggle is keeping cigarettes in their pockets all day and roam like a poor child..
Non Rozedar ( The one who does not fast)
We all have seen some people who do not keep fast despite of being very healthy and you might see them eating and drinking something in front of rozedar.. And they might argue with you that they had kept roza yesterday but could not eat sehri so they skipped the fast! Apart from some shameless non rozedar, there are some shy non rozedars , who might eat something without letting you know but they get caught eventually, opening the refrigerators and drinking the cold smoothies.
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Nice article.. we usually face these type of humans in ramadan :D