AliExpress 11.11 Global Sale, the world’s largest sale, is back and is even bigger with massive discounts on a wide variety of products. While pre-sale activities have already kicked off, a lot of activities and promotions will follow until the final sale day.
Reportedly, over 140000 brands will participate in this year’s 11.11 global sale and over 15 million products would be available at discounted prices.

Brief History

AliExpress initiated the 11.11 shopping festival back in 2009 and it has only grown since then. Notably, a collective sum of $18 billion was spent during the 11.11 shopping festival of 2016 and we can only expect the number to grow for the AliExpress 11.11 Global Sale.

How to avoid from scammers? Check out this AliExpress 11.11 Sale;Bogus or Real

Schedule of Activities

27th October – 2nd November
Games can be played between this time period to win additional discount coupons. You can head over to the website and play games such as Collect for coins, Shake for coins, Flip for freebies and match for coins to win $50 coupons and redeem on the sale day.

3rd November – 7th November
You can check out your favorite deals/products and add them to the shopping card to win AliExpress 11.11 Global Sale coins that can be redeemed for extra-ordinary discounts.

8th November – 10th November
You’re supposed to exchange all your coins for discount couple during this time period. You can also purchase high-value coupons at low prices.

These pre-sale activities are aimed at generating hype around the festival and increasing its value.

11th November
This is the final sale day, when all of the discounts can be availed.


You can purchase from a wide variety of products including cosmetics, fashion accessories, clothing apparels, electronics, home appliances, sports stuff, phones and accessories, automobile accessories and much more during the AliExpress 11.11 Global sale.

AlsoRead:Shopping Tips for 11.11 Sale

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