DRIP banned Famous Cough Syrup Sancos – Don’t Sale and Purchase

Drug Regulatory Authority Banned the sale (DRIP), production and distribution of the famous cough syrup (Sancos) due to the existence of chemicals and syrup does not fall on the required criteria.

Taking the syrup during a cough is considered more bifacial with the recommendation of the doctors. Some people take that syrup from medical stores without the consent of the doctor which is a serious issue. Syrup are really helpful in a quick release from the cough. Drug Regulator blood authority often banned the drugs who do not meet the required criteria for any drug production. They said they are doing this for the betterment of the people and their health. Recently, they banned a cough syrup names as Sancos. They said the company to take these cough syrups back from the market. Tomorrow court announced to ban the syrup and stock out from the market.

The Sancos cough syrup was available in the market made by navarts Farma. The drug regulatory authority judges the quality of the syrup a few months ago and they came to know that the syrup does not meet the quality standards that are mandatory. They conduct the analysis of the drugs on a regular basis. the authority judges the validity, usage, quality, and material used. The company said that there was an issue in some seeds, otherwise, the syrup is not harmful. They were unable to reject the ban. The syrup is not available in markets now.

What DRIP said:

The chairman of DRIP said that, “we sent the notification to the owner of the syrup by saying to stock out this cough syrup and publish an ad in the newspaper regarding this.” He also said that, “company was trying to decrees the period of the drug use instead of banning it. But we were not agreeing to this because we cannot take any risk when it came to the health and life of the people”.

Finally, after a long, the company agreed to take the cough syrup back from the market. They also published an advertisement in the newspaper for prohibiting the use of it. They banned the purchase, sale, and distribution of the Sancos cough syrup. Moreover, it is suggested to the people that, they don’t use and purchase this injurious syrup anymore.

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