You tube is undoubtedly a biggest video sharing and watching platform where you can find all types of videos but this platform doesn’t provide direct access to its users to freely download videos of interest and save them to watch later. This doesn’t mean that it is impossible to download favorite or required videos from YouTube. There are lots of ways with help of which this problem can be solved. Let us introduce you to some of the tricky ways with help of which you can download any video from YouTube and can save it for later.

You Tube


This method is considered to be the most safest and quick method that doesn’t need any plugin or third party application for downloading. Just follow the simple steps below and get your video directly downloaded to your android phone.

Step1: Play your desired you tube video in an android phone browser.

Step2: Go to the url/link of that video and write “ss” or “dl” before you tube.

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Step3: Wait for few seconds.

Step4: Your video is ready to download. Select any format like mp3, mp4 and download the video.


If first method doesn’t work for you due to some reason, then alternatively you can download your required YouTube video from a downloading website ‘Keepvid”. All you need to do is to follow just few steps mentioned below.

Step1: Open your required video in YouTube.

Step2: Open website “”.

Step3: Copy you video url and paste it in keepvid’s downloading bar.

Step4: Click on “download” button.

Step5: After few seconds you can see your video in various formats available to download.

Step6: Select the required format and download video. Enjoy” is another similar websites that do same working like keepvid. So you can use this site alternatively.


This method is for those who don’t want to use browser for downloading their required videos. Tube Mate is an android app easily available on play store. You can download this app and follow the few steps below to download your desired video.

Step1: Open tube Mate.

Step2: Search any YouTube video in tube Mate.

Step3: Select your video by clicking it to play.

Step4: Find a green arrow at top of screen.

Step5: Click the arrow and select the format in which you want to download video.

Step6: Click desired format and your video/audio will start downloading.

PS: Alternatively you can also use “Snap Tube” app if you have any issue with “Tube Mate”.

Now we have told you the best methods to download stuff from YouTube So enjoy your videos  and share this article with your circle so that they can also know these methods just in case of need.