Sajid Hassan the great actor of Pakistani dramas has gone through the terrible experience of hair transplant two months ago. The actor decided to share his experience on social media platform to aware people who have decided to make hair transplant. In his video, he said, the doctor was chasing him since last 9 years and wanted to do his hair transplant. Sajid Hassan said he was not willing to do this but two months ago he decided to make this experiment on him.

That inexperienced doctor didn’t make any physical tests or examination before doing transplant which is the essential step and he also didn’t know that. The result went horrifying and he got seriously ill and went to bed for weeks due to the unprofessional and inexperienced behavior of that doctor. Sajid Hassan said in his video message, “I fell ill the next day,” shares Hasan. “For 10-15 days, I was in bed with a fever and infection and the doctor just kept assuring me that I’ll get better.”

He further said, “It’s been one month of a lot of suffering for me and family. I’ve lost out on some work. Through this video, I want to raise awareness about the importance of research. Everyone should check 10 times before undergoing a procedure and opt for the right surgeon.”

The video went viral on which he conveyed the message to make a proper physical examination and select the best surgeon before experimenting anything like this on yourself. People are making tweets and asking to sue the doctor who did this to Sajid Hassan. This is the public service message along with the self-demo that doesn’t trust on ads and doesn’t compromise on ordinary doctors. Select the best professional cosmetic surgeon who is experienced and make a proper research.

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