Mobilink gives an amazing service Beep Call which make missed call notification to dialed party even if you haven’t sufficient balance. Beep Call is different from Mobilink Zero Balance Call.
With Beep Call offer, when you try to make call with zero balance then you will hear the normal network announcement “Ye call milane ke liay aap ke account main raqam nakaafi hay”, however the other person (dialed number) will get a Missed Call from your number. Beep calls can be made on all networks. Service is free of cost. Service is already active on all prepaid connections (by default). 1st Beep is free and rest 9 Beeps will be charged at PKR.0.03 Inclusive of tax/beep (10 beeps/day).
Moreover, Zero Balance Call Service allows you to generate missed calls and send SMS to any number when you don’t have balance. Dial *600# to activate Rs 2.25+tax/week (5 calls,2 sms).
Beep Call:
How to Subscribe:
Service has been provided to all prepaid customers by default, in order to re-subscriber the service send SUB to 5188
How to Unsubscribe:
Prepaid customers can un-subscribe to Beep Call via SMS, to un-subscribe send UNSUB to 5188
Rs.0.03 Inc. of Tax/ beep, No subscription charges apply
Product Details:
First Beep Call in a day is free of cost
Total of 10 Beep are allowed in a day to both On-net or Off-net numbers
Zero Balance Call:
By subscribing to this service, prepaid customers can generate calls and send SMS to B-party when they don’t have balance. You can use the service at any point in time, it will work even if you balance is more than zero.Validity of bundle is 30 days. When second party receives the missed call, system will immediately cut the call if second party receives it. You can send text message from SMS templates and also type your own message but it needs to remain within a limit of 50 characters.
How To Subscribe:
Dial *600# to subscribe the service
To Un-subscribe:
Dial *600# and follow menu instructions to Un-subscribe the service
Subscription Charges: Rs.2.68 per week
Update: Muaziz Sarif, 1st june 2016 say apki beep call kay charges 5 paisay/beep bama tax hon gay. Agar ap service ko khatam kerna chahtay hain toh SMS Unsub to 5188.