Muzzamil Hussain “MHTOORI” has served a legal notice to PTV World for copyright infringement for broadcasting his content without his consent. A network engineer who creates videos as a hobby, Muzzamil Hussain, has claimed that Pakistan Television PTV World violated his copyright by airing his tourism footage.

He had originally posted the video on his YouTube channel ‘MHtoori’. But PTV used it on national TV without his permission. He took to his X account (formerly Twitter) to reveal the case he has filed against PTV to reveal his reasons why he filed a case against PTV World.

Here is what we know so far about the case and what will happen next.

Who is Muzzamil Hussain “MHTOORI”?

Using the alias “MHTOORI”, Muzzamil Hussain is a popular content creator who makes videos about tourism. He has over 300,000 fans on his Facebook page and a large following on Twitter and YouTube. He has sent a legal notice to Pakistan Television (PTV) World for using his clips without his consent.

He says that PTV World showed a video on September 30, 2023, that was made from different clips from his Facebook page in March 2019. He says that the original footage is three minutes and fifteen seconds long.

Also Read

PTV World Uses Copyright Footage Without Consent of Muzzamil Hussain “MHTOORI”

The tourism footage was shown by PTV World on 30th September at 2 p.m. Muzzamil said:

“I was pressing the button and suddenly I came to see my YouTube channel footage on PTV. I was surprised that no one asked me for my consent prior to broadcasting the video.”

You might be curious about the video’s content. The video features clips from various places in Pakistan. It also highlights the country’s natural beauty and cultural heritage. The video covers locations such as Gwadar, Khanpur Dam, Swabi KPK, Islamabad College University, Okara, and many more. The video also uses photos from scenic spots like the Skardu Cold Desert, Lulusar Lake, Atabad Lake, Rakaposhi, and Kalam, among others.

Here is the video in question:

Muzzamil Hussain “MHTOORI” Stance

Muzzamil Hussain “MHTOORI” said that PTV World used his content without his permission and violated his rights under the Copyright Ordinance, 1962 (Ordinance No. lOCKIV of 1962). He also said that he owns and controls his Facebook page, Twitter, and YouTube channels. He said that he has all the licenses and intellectual property rights for his content, as per Sections 56 and 57A of the Copyright Ordinance.

He said in a statement:

“Immediate cessation of the broadcast, distribution, or any further use of the contested video. A written acknowledgment of the unauthorized use and a formal apology to him. Compensation of Rs200 million for the unauthorized creation and broadcast of the video, in line with the Copyright Ordinance, 1962.”

The legal notice gives PTV World 70 days to reply. If they fail, Muzzamil Hussain “MHTOORI” may take legal action under the Copyright Ordinance to protect his rights and seek the compensation he asked for. PTV has not said anything about the issue yet. So, we have to wait and see what happens next. Keep following!