Sarmad Khoosat Announces Release of Zindagi Tamasha on YouTube

After a long battle with the censor board, Sarmad Khoosat has decided to release Zindagi Tamasha online. Protests by Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan caused the award-winning movie’s scheduled 2022 release to be postponed indefinitely.

However, Sarmad Khoosat has now decided that enough is enough. He will release the award-winning movie to the world online and make it free on YouTube as well. He shared a heartfelt post on his Instagram account to make sure his fans would receive the best movie he had ever created.

Zindagi Tamasha

Zindagi Tamasha To Be Released on YouTube

Khoosat Films will release Zindagi Tamasha on their YouTube channel on 4th August 2023. Sarmat Khoosat will face intellectual and financial setbacks, but he is willing to do so to release his movie to the world. It is a sad but very welcome decision by the maestro.

Sarmad passionately conveyed his longing to release the film in this month of independence, sharing his heartfelt emotions about the controversies that had obscured its intended message.

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He acknowledged the profound sense of collective disappointment and perceived failure, emphasizing that it extended beyond his individual struggles. Instead, he saw it as a poignant reflection of the system’s shortcomings in fostering and championing independent voices.

Undeterred by the hurdles, Sarmad extends a warm invitation to audiences, urging them to watch “Zindagi Tamasha” with an open mind, free from any preconceived notions from the surrounding controversies. He earnestly encourages viewers to evaluate the film on its inherent strengths and merits, empowering them to form their own independent opinions.

Cast of the Movie Zindagi Tamasha

The cast of the movie includes some big names that have left a mark in the hearts of the fans. Here is the complete list:

  • Arif Hassan
  • Samiya Mumtaz
  • Eman Suleman
  • Ali Kureshi
  • Nadia Afghan
  • Adeel Afzal
  • Mehar Bano
  • Hammad Haider Butt
  • Ali Hasnain
  • Agha Haider
  • Adnan Jahangir
  • Fani Jan
  • Fatimah Sattar
  • Sarmad Sultan Khoosat

Read more: Barbie Movie Released in Punjab After Censor Board Chaos

Plot and Details of the Movie

Nirmal Bano writes the movie. Previously, she wrote the movie Gunjal and Sarmad Khoosat is set to direct the movie Zindagi Tamasha and produce it under the banner of Khoosat Films. The Central Film Censor Board initially scheduled the film for release on 24 January 2020, but they asked Khoosat to subject it to critical review by the Council of Islamic Ideology.

The release was then expected in 2022, but it never happened as well. The movie has won multiple awards internationally. After its premiere at the 24th Busan International Film Festival in 2019, the movie won multiple awards. These are:

  • Kim Ji-Seok Award at Busan International Film Festival
  • Snow Leopard Award for Best Film
  • Snow Leopard Award for Best Actor
  • 6th Asian World Film Festival for Best Actor