You must have read or heard the most pupolous line of famous Urdu Ghazal of a Pakistani poet Nawab Mustafa Khan Sheefta. He quoted:
“Badnam Agar Hongy To Kia Naam Na Hoga”
Well, many celebrities of Pakistan showbiz and glamour world have took this line too seriously that they have literally implemented the dirty tactics of defaming and disgracing themselves and people around them to have an entity of known stars in fashion and glamour industry in Pakistan.
We have briefly listed the Top 5 Most Sensational & Controversial Celebs of Pakistan, known as most nasty and hatred personalities in entertainment world.
5- Sahir Khan Lodhi
An actor cum TV host Sahir Lodhi was born in Karachi. Unluckily his fame and fortune is caught by the black cat right from the beginning of his acting career. He’s been called a pathetic actor and third class version of Shahrukh Khan. He has been mocked for being a flop actor and Shakrukh khan of China. Isn’t it funny? It’s been claimed that he intimates the style of Shahrukh Khan and his over confidence has turned him out as a hatred actor in Pakistan Entertainment World.
4- Waqar Zaka
Even the name sounds so damn dramatic. He is known as TV host and VJ in Pakistan, this former stunt performer of Karachi is counted as one of the most hatred Low-Grade Celebrity of Pakistan. Recently he projected a cheap controversy in media of being beaten by unknown men. But later it was expose that Waqar Zaka was marketing his upcoming project of music video ‘Boss maine apko bola kya hai?’ He has been caught in many abusive scandals on facebook and serious harassment cases of girls at his shows too. Surprisingly, Waqar Zaka does not give a damn about his annoying personality and leading a life of Bad Ass Gullu Butt.
3- Amir Liaquat
No one can deny the fact that Amir Liaquat leaded the top TRP’S to Geo Network along with his religious shows i.e. Alim Online and special Ramadan Transmission. But in recent years, he has been subjected to many hateful controversies in media. Pemra banned his show at Geo Channel for exposing blasphemy and shallow activities and prohibited him to air the show ‘Aisa Nahi Chale Ga’ of a leading channel to control him for not delivering hateful speech on national TV.
2- Veena Malik
The drama queen of Pakistan Veena Malik is known as Pakistani actress. She has appeared in many Bollywood B-Grade movies as well, just to expose her naked body and third class acting. Among all her hateful controversies, the most recent idiotic drama was of demanding divorce from her husband on a TV show. Does it really make a sense that the media aired the news of Divorce Case of Veena Malik on news channels for two long weeks? And the most ironic part was that a renowned mufti (religious scholar) was involved to patch her up with husband on TV show.. Well this drama is far useless than being involved with Ashmit patel in Big Boss, India.
Let’s surprise you with the original name of well known dramatic and sensational actress meera that is Irtiza Rubab. Her life is brimmed with useless struggles of speaking English in American accent and appears in leading movies in Bollywood. She has been trolled over the internet for her lame jokes of stupid interviews, dumb expressions, illogical fights with co stars and scandalous cases of being involved in leaking a porn video of her with Captain Naveed. The guy is now entitled as her husband, but her past scandals and filthy image of being associated with many men including Atiqur rehman make her the most hatred female actress of Pakistan. Atiqur rehman once filed a case on her for dumping her first nikah with him to marry captain Naveed. Her bad image came out more violently when she went to India to make hideous scenes in low budget movies in order to get cheap fame.