Chrome is the most used browser for many years and Google has been working for such a long time to make it smoother and efficient. It also has been working to make it the better way to run the Android Apps on it and it finally completed its task. Recently Google has launched Chrome 63 for Android apps along with the bunch of new features. Now, Chrome 64 is expected to be launched soon and everyone is expecting amazing new features.

However, people who work a lot on chrome and use multiple tabs at a time experienced few bugs or slow service will be served efficiently by Chrome 64. They could be able to run multiple tabs and apps at a time with great speed and exciting features. The app will be continuously run in a smooth motion unless you stop it, plus not only 1 app but multiple apps will run continuously.

In chrome 63 if you are running any Android App it will be paused if you click on to the screen or somewhere else. People find it sometimes disturbing as they want to run the App continues while doing the task on their screens. The best update of Chrome 64 is the multiple apps will run parallel at a time and the user can do multiple tasks on to their screen while running the app in the background. So, this would be the best update for the people used to do different things at a time or they have a shortage of time.

You can have the excess on Chrome 64 beta now but you need to wait for the stable official launch of Chrome 64 to make your work smoother and easier plus quicker. The launch date has not been mentioned but is expected to be released soon.

Read More: 7 Amazing Google Apps You Never Knew Existed

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