With the all new offer from ufone, people can enjoy up to 1.2 GB of fast good quality internet. This deal is valid for the whole 7 days of the week. You can login to Facebook, enjoy messaging friends through whats app and watch as many videos as you want to without any delays. To subscribe to this offer dial *220# . This deal has no time bar so you can use it at any hour of the day.
Package Name | SUPER INTERNET BUNDLE|1.2 GB for Rs.130 |
Charges | Rs 130 |
Internet | 1.2 GB |
Subscription Code | *220# |
Package Timing | All the day |
Validity | 7 Days |
Terms & Conditions |
All prices are inclusive of Taxes. Bucket subscribers will get maximum available speed. Actual Internet speed will depend on multiple factors such as location, time, device, web pages accessed, number of subscribers etc. All Whatsapp calls will be charged from data bucket resources. All buckets are valid for prepaid customers only. Dial *706# to check the remaining resources of the buckets. All prices are inclusive of taxes. Every session reserves some volume of data to enhance customer experience. Once data bucket expires, multiple sessions will be charged separately on default mobile package rate. |